Before the U.S. Supreme Court in Castillo v. U.S. (2000)

“Stephen Halbrook is an attorney with extensive knowledge of the historical underpinnings of the Second Amendment and practical knowledge of litigating in this rapidly evolving area of law. His writings include topics as diverse as Gun Control in the Third Reich and The Founders’ Second Amendment, and he was heavily involved in Heller and McDonald.”

– U.S. District Judge Michael J. Reagan
Shepard v. Madigan, 2014 WL 4825592, *7 (S.D. Ill. 2014)

Supreme Court Practice

Comments on ATF Regulation Proposals

Practice Areas

Gun Control Act/National Firearms Act

  • Firearm technical classifications
  • ATF regulatory compliance
  • FFL warning conferences, license denials,
    and revocations
  • Forfeitures
  • Legal disabilities and restoration of civil rights
  • Criminal defense

State and Local Laws

  • “Assault weapon” restrictions
  • Legal status of firearms
  • Challenging restrictions

Civil and Criminal Cases Litigated >>

1968 Hearings on GCA Regulations


Congressional Testimony


Scholarly Articles

“Textualism, the Gun Control Act, and ATF’s Redefinition of ‘Firearm’,” Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy: Per Curiam No. 32, (Summer 2024).

“Text-and-History or Means-End Scrutiny? A Response to Professor Nelson Lund’s Critique of Bruen,” 24 Federalist Society Review, (Mar. 15, 2023).

“The Second Amendment Was Adopted to Protect Liberty, Not Slavery: A Reply to Professors Bogus and Anderson,” 20 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 575 (2022).

“Право народа на хранение и ношение оружия: вторая поправка билля о правах сша” [“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: the Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights”], 2 Ukrainian Law Journal “Law of the USA” (2013), 240-50.

“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: the Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights,” 2 Ukrainian Law Journal “Law of the USA” (2013), 240-50.

“Banning America’s Rifle: An Assault on the Second Amendment?,” 22 Federalist Society Review (June 28, 2021).

“Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Do They Have Legal Effect?,” Regent University Law Review, No. 2, 277 (2020-2021).

“The Eidgenössisches Schützenfest: a Traditional Shooting Festival,” Swiss American Historical Society Review (Nov. 2020).

“To Bear Arms for Self-Defense: A ‘Right of the People’ or a Privilege of the Few? Part 2” 21 Federalist Society Review (Mar. 31, 2020).

View More Scholarly Articles >>

Second Amendment Roundup at The Volokh Conspiracy

“The VanDerStok Argument,” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 10, 2024.

“Follow ATF into a Political Briar Patch?,” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 3, 2024.

“ATF’s Final Rule Implicates the Right to Bear Arms,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 2, 2024.

“ATF’s Wish to Trace More Firearms Doesn’t Justify Redefining ‘Firearm,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 1, 2024.

“Textualism and ATF’s Redefinition of ‘Firearm,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, September 30, 2024.

VanDerStok Tests Limits of Yet Another ATF Rule,” The Volokh Conspiracy, September 29, 2024.

“New York’s ‘Good Moral Character’ Requirement for Gun Permits,” The Volokh Conspiracy, September 26, 2024.

“8th Circuit Rules in Favor of Pistol Brace Owners,” The Volokh Conspiracy, August 25, 2024.

“8th Circuit Rules for 18 to 20-Year-Olds,” The Volokh Conspiracy, July 22, 2024.

Rahimi Preserves Bruen,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 26, 2024.

View More Op-Eds and Short Articles >>

Op-Eds & Short Articles

TV Appearances



Courthouse Steps Oral Argument: Garland v. Cargill – The Federalist Society, (Mar. 5, 2024)

Attorney Stephen Halbrook Discusses the Upcoming Supreme Court Case Garland v. Cargill on Whether Bump Stocks Are Machine Guns – The Federalist Society, “A Seat at the Sitting: The February Docket” (Feb. 15, 2024)

Attorney Stephen Halbrook Talks SCOTUS Re: Biden “Ghost Gun” and “Weapons Part Kits” – Four Boxes Diner (Aug. 13, 2023)

The Case for the AR15 – The Republican Professor (Aug. 1, 2023)

Attorney Stephen Halbrook Breaks Down Current Pistol Brace Fight – Four Boxes Diner (May 22, 2023)

A Year After Bruen, and This Is Happening? – America’s First Freedom (May 20, 2023)

ATF OVERREACH: Stephen Halbrook on How ATF Rules DO NOT = LAW; Defeating the ATF in Court – The Dana Show with Dana Loesch (Mar. 28, 2023)

The Politically Incorrect Truth about America’s Rifle – America’s 1st Freedom (Feb. 4, 2023)

View More Presentations >>

Instagram Updates

[ENGLISH BELOW] "Após a guerra, procurando justificar as suas ações enquanto aguardava julgamento, [Pierre] Laval escreveu: “A violação mais escandalosa da Convenção do Armistício foi a ultrapassagem pelo exército alemão da linha de demarcação” em 1942, acrescentando que “o armistício durou quatro longos anos, e não tínhamos meios nem armas, a não ser as negociações hoje descritas como ‘inteligência com o inimigo’, para servir de barreira à crueldade e à rapacidade alemãs”. A falta de armas pode ser atribuída, em parte, ao decreto do próprio Laval, de 1935, de que as armas de fogo fossem registradas na polícia e à sua subsequente colaboração com os alemães."

De Halbrook, Desarmamento Na França Ocupada Pelos Nazistas: Tirania E Resistência, págs. 179-180. @videeditorial

Pierre Laval, o líder fantoche da França de Vichy ocupada pelos nazistas, foi executado nesta data em 1945 por traição.
Pierre Laval, the puppet leader of Nazi occupied Vichy France, was executed on this date in 1945 for treason. While awaiting his trial after WWII, he sought to justify his actions by writing: " 'The most lurid violation of the Armistice Convention was the crossing of the demarcation line by the German army' in 1942, adding that 'the Armistice lasted four long years, and we had no means, no weapons, other than negotiations described to-day as "intelligence with the enemy," to serve as a barrier to German cruelty and rapacity.' The lack of weapons could be traced in part to Laval's own 1935 decree that firearms be registered with the police and his subsequent collaboration with the Germans." 

From Halbrook, Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, pgs. 161-162.

Photo: Paris, German Police Headquarters, 1 May 1943, Prime Minister of France Pierre Laval and Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer SS-Gruppenführer Carl Oberg. 
#vichyfrance #firearmsregistration #régimedevichy #primeministerlaval #pierrelaval #germanoccupation #gunrestrictions #franceguncontrol #wiihistory #frenchguncontrol #naziguncontrol #francehistory #guncontrol #nazioccupiedfrance #guncontrolinnazioccupiedfrance #gunconfiscation #gunregistration #ww2history #onthisdate #onthisdayinhistory

[ENGLISH BELOW] "Após a guerra, procurando justificar as suas ações enquanto aguardava julgamento, [Pierre] Laval escreveu: “A violação mais escandalosa da Convenção do Armistício foi a ultrapassagem pelo exército alemão da linha de demarcação” em 1942, acrescentando que “o armistício durou quatro longos anos, e não tínhamos meios nem armas, a não ser as negociações hoje descritas como ‘inteligência com o inimigo’, para servir de barreira à crueldade e à rapacidade alemãs”. A falta de armas pode ser atribuída, em parte, ao decreto do próprio Laval, de 1935, de que as armas de fogo fossem registradas na polícia e à sua subsequente colaboração com os alemães."

De Halbrook, Desarmamento Na França Ocupada Pelos Nazistas: Tirania E Resistência, págs. 179-180. @videeditorial

Pierre Laval, o líder fantoche da França de Vichy ocupada pelos nazistas, foi executado nesta data em 1945 por traição.
Pierre Laval, the puppet leader of Nazi occupied Vichy France, was executed on this date in 1945 for treason. While awaiting his trial after WWII, he sought to justify his actions by writing: " `The most lurid violation of the Armistice Convention was the crossing of the demarcation line by the German army` in 1942, adding that `the Armistice lasted four long years, and we had no means, no weapons, other than negotiations described to-day as "intelligence with the enemy," to serve as a barrier to German cruelty and rapacity.` The lack of weapons could be traced in part to Laval`s own 1935 decree that firearms be registered with the police and his subsequent collaboration with the Germans."

From Halbrook, Gun Control in Nazi-Occupied France: Tyranny and Resistance, pgs. 161-162.

Photo: Paris, German Police Headquarters, 1 May 1943, Prime Minister of France Pierre Laval and Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer SS-Gruppenführer Carl Oberg.
#vichyfrance #firearmsregistration #régimedevichy #primeministerlaval #pierrelaval #germanoccupation #gunrestrictions #franceguncontrol #wiihistory #frenchguncontrol #naziguncontrol #francehistory #guncontrol #nazioccupiedfrance #guncontrolinnazioccupiedfrance #gunconfiscation #gunregistration #ww2history #onthisdate #onthisdayinhistory

Cooler weather means deer season! I do most of my deer hunting in West Virginia and that begins next month.  Are you a deer hunter?

Photo:  Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (December 1937).

#remingtonrifle #deerseason #deerhunting #deerhunter #riflehunter #righttohunt #gamehunting #huntinglife #hunters #fieldhunting #gohunt #americanhunter #americanhunters #oldchevrolet #oldchevy #classicchevy #classicchevrolet #vintagehuntingphotos #vintagehunting #1937 #oldhuntingphoto #oldhuntingphotos #deerhunterslife

Cooler weather means deer season! I do most of my deer hunting in West Virginia and that begins next month.  Are you a deer hunter?

Photo:  Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania (December 1937).

#remingtonrifle #deerseason #deerhunting #deerhunter #riflehunter #righttohunt #gamehunting #huntinglife #hunters #fieldhunting #gohunt #americanhunter #americanhunters #oldchevrolet #oldchevy #classicchevy #classicchevrolet #vintagehuntingphotos #vintagehunting #1937 #oldhuntingphoto #oldhuntingphotos #deerhunterslife

"Pundits have tried to read the tea leaves following the argument in the Supreme Court in Garland v. VanDerStok on October 8. In its Final Rule, ATF expanded the definition of 'firearm' beyond what Congress provided in the Gun Control Act (GCA), and it expanded the definition of 'frame or receiver' beyond the agency's own definition that was on the books since 1968. In the argument, serious questions were raised about the extent to which an agency may revise a criminal statute.

"That concern was expressed right at the beginning when Justice Thomas asked Solicitor General Prelogar whether the regulation 'cover[s] all of Chapter 44,' which is the GCA portion of 18 U.S.C. (the federal criminal code), and whether it 'appl[ies] under 924,' which is the GCA section that provides criminal penalties. Prelogar's response was 'yes' to both. So whether a person is committing a felony depends on whether the more narrow definition of 'firearm' enacted by Congress, or the broader definition adopted by ATF, applies."

The above excerpts are from the beginning of my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "The VanDerStok Argument" (10/10/24).

Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website, 
#GarlandvVanDerStok #SCOTUS #SCOTUShearing #2acase #2acases #secondamendmentroundup #2achallenge #firearmslaw #firearmslaws #guncontrolact #federalfirearmsact #firearmsownersprotectionact #firearmdefinition #firearmregulation #gunsmithing #firearmsparts #batfe #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #atfregulations #atfrules #atffinalrule #firearmsmanufacturer #guncontrol #guncontrolissues #firearmframe #atfclassification #backgroundcheck #frameorreceiver #firearmframeorreceiver

"Pundits have tried to read the tea leaves following the argument in the Supreme Court in Garland v. VanDerStok on October 8. In its Final Rule, ATF expanded the definition of `firearm` beyond what Congress provided in the Gun Control Act (GCA), and it expanded the definition of `frame or receiver` beyond the agency`s own definition that was on the books since 1968. In the argument, serious questions were raised about the extent to which an agency may revise a criminal statute.

"That concern was expressed right at the beginning when Justice Thomas asked Solicitor General Prelogar whether the regulation `cover[s] all of Chapter 44,` which is the GCA portion of 18 U.S.C. (the federal criminal code), and whether it `appl[ies] under 924,` which is the GCA section that provides criminal penalties. Prelogar`s response was `yes` to both. So whether a person is committing a felony depends on whether the more narrow definition of `firearm` enacted by Congress, or the broader definition adopted by ATF, applies."

The above excerpts are from the beginning of my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "The VanDerStok Argument" (10/10/24).

Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website,
#GarlandvVanDerStok #SCOTUS #SCOTUShearing #2acase #2acases #secondamendmentroundup #2achallenge #firearmslaw #firearmslaws #guncontrolact #federalfirearmsact #firearmsownersprotectionact #firearmdefinition #firearmregulation #gunsmithing #firearmsparts #batfe #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #atfregulations #atfrules #atffinalrule #firearmsmanufacturer #guncontrol #guncontrolissues #firearmframe #atfclassification #backgroundcheck #frameorreceiver #firearmframeorreceiver

"America's Founders carried firearms. And they believed that they had an inherent right to do so. If anyone suggested that some medieval English statute prohibited them from bearing arms, it remains a secret to this day.

"George Washington himself owned perhaps 50 firearms during his life, and some of his pistols (typically silver mounted), saddle holsters, and fowlers (shotguns) may be seen today at Mt. Vernon and West Point. His diaries contain numerous entries related to the acquisition of firearms and to 'ducking' and other hunting activities."

From Halbrook, The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, p. 155.

Photo from West Point Museum - "George Washington’s flintlock pistols given to him by Bartholomew Dandridge."
#georgewashington #generalwashington #presidentwashington #mountvernon #westpointmuseum #protectyourself #protectothers #selfdefence #selfdefense #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttobeararms #righttokeepandbeararms #2ndamendmenthistory #righttocarry #righttocarryarms #foundingfather #2ahistory #opencarry #colonialamerica #uspatriot #individualrights #gunrightsmatter #inherentright #inherentrights #inherentrighttoselfdefense #guncollection #saddleholster #fowlers #huntingactivites

"America`s Founders carried firearms. And they believed that they had an inherent right to do so. If anyone suggested that some medieval English statute prohibited them from bearing arms, it remains a secret to this day.

"George Washington himself owned perhaps 50 firearms during his life, and some of his pistols (typically silver mounted), saddle holsters, and fowlers (shotguns) may be seen today at Mt. Vernon and West Point. His diaries contain numerous entries related to the acquisition of firearms and to `ducking` and other hunting activities."

From Halbrook, The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, p. 155.

Photo from West Point Museum - "George Washington’s flintlock pistols given to him by Bartholomew Dandridge."
#georgewashington #generalwashington #presidentwashington #mountvernon #westpointmuseum #protectyourself #protectothers #selfdefence #selfdefense #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttobeararms #righttokeepandbeararms #2ndamendmenthistory #righttocarry #righttocarryarms #foundingfather #2ahistory #opencarry #colonialamerica #uspatriot #individualrights #gunrightsmatter #inherentright #inherentrights #inherentrighttoselfdefense #guncollection #saddleholster #fowlers #huntingactivites

This past Tuesday, I participated in a panel discussion where we analyzed the Garland v. VanDerStok case arguments, which had been heard at the U.S. Supreme Court that morning. The case challenged the regulatory redefinition of the term 'firearm' in the Gun Control Act. I was joined by California Rifle & Pistol Association President Chuck Michel and NRA-ILA Director of Constitutional Studies Joseph Greenlee. 

To watch (or read the transcript), go to the "ShootingNewsWeekly-xf7lh" YouTube channel: "Expert Legal Analysis of Supreme Court Arguments in Garland v. VanDerStock" (October 8, 2024.) The direct link:

The video can also be viewed at Direct link:
@ShootingNewsWeekly @Chuck_Michel #GarlandvVanDerStok #SCOTUS #GunControlAct #2acase #2acases #frameorreceiver #firearmslaw #firearmslaws #guncontrolact #federalfirearmsact #firearmsownersprotectionact #firearmdefinition #firearmregulation #ghostgun #ghostguns #gunsmiths #gunsmithing #firearmsparts #batfe #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #atfregulations #atfrules #atffinalrule #firearmsmanufacturer

This past Tuesday, I participated in a panel discussion where we analyzed the Garland v. VanDerStok case arguments, which had been heard at the U.S. Supreme Court that morning. The case challenged the regulatory redefinition of the term `firearm` in the Gun Control Act. I was joined by California Rifle & Pistol Association President Chuck Michel and NRA-ILA Director of Constitutional Studies Joseph Greenlee.

To watch (or read the transcript), go to the "ShootingNewsWeekly-xf7lh" YouTube channel: "Expert Legal Analysis of Supreme Court Arguments in Garland v. VanDerStock" (October 8, 2024.) The direct link:

The video can also be viewed at Direct link:
@ShootingNewsWeekly @Chuck_Michel #GarlandvVanDerStok #SCOTUS #GunControlAct #2acase #2acases #frameorreceiver #firearmslaw #firearmslaws #guncontrolact #federalfirearmsact #firearmsownersprotectionact #firearmdefinition #firearmregulation #ghostgun #ghostguns #gunsmiths #gunsmithing #firearmsparts #batfe #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #atfregulations #atfrules #atffinalrule #firearmsmanufacturer

"Common 'Arms' then, as now, included firearms, edged weapons, and blunt instruments. Most firearms had to be reloaded after each shot. Muskets, which were being transitioned from matchlocks to flintlocks, were typically .75 caliber. That was a powerful, deadly weapon that could create a three-quarters-of-an-inch wound. By comparison, today’s AR-15 rifle typically fires a .223 caliber bullet, which is less than a quarter of an inch in diameter. In other words, the seventeenth-century musket fired a bullet three times larger in diameter than the bullet usually fired by the AR-15." 

From Halbrook, America's Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, p. 77.
#AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #firearmshistory #2ndamendment #2asupporter #2ahistory #pro2ndamendmentrights #commonarms #edgedweapons #bluntinstruments #muskets #matchlocks #flintlocks #ar15rifle #75caliber #223caliber #firearmstechnology #firearmtechnology #firearmreloading #16century #16thcenturyweapons #ar15bullet #ar15bullets

"Common `Arms` then, as now, included firearms, edged weapons, and blunt instruments. Most firearms had to be reloaded after each shot. Muskets, which were being transitioned from matchlocks to flintlocks, were typically .75 caliber. That was a powerful, deadly weapon that could create a three-quarters-of-an-inch wound. By comparison, today’s AR-15 rifle typically fires a .223 caliber bullet, which is less than a quarter of an inch in diameter. In other words, the seventeenth-century musket fired a bullet three times larger in diameter than the bullet usually fired by the AR-15."

From Halbrook, America`s Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, p. 77.
#AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #firearmshistory #2ndamendment #2asupporter #2ahistory #pro2ndamendmentrights #commonarms #edgedweapons #bluntinstruments #muskets #matchlocks #flintlocks #ar15rifle #75caliber #223caliber #firearmstechnology #firearmtechnology #firearmreloading #16century #16thcenturyweapons #ar15bullet #ar15bullets

On September 26, 1780, British Lieutenant-General Lord Cornwallis approached Charlotte Town, North Carolina, still gloating over having just won an important battle in South Carolina. Since he assumed the Americans would welcome the Redcoats, he was stunned when they were greeted by a burst of gunfire. The Americans fired several more times at the large British army and then disappeared into the woods. 

The next day, an angry Lord Cornwallis issued a proclamation to all the people of Charlotte Town and Mecklenburg to "faithfully deliver up their Arms, and give a Military Parole to remain thenceforth peaceable at Home, doing no Offence against His Majesty's Government, ..."

Much to Cornwallis's humiliation, very few people turned in their guns. 
#LordCornwallis #britishgeneral #americanrevolution #americanrevolutionhistory #mecklenburgcountync #charlottenchistory #britishredcoats #disarm #giveusyourguns #1780 #armedpopulace #disarmedpopulace #2ahistory #therighttobeararms #disarmthepeople #armedpeople #keepandbeararms #2arights #righttokeepandbeararms #gunrightsmatter #armedselfdefense #armedresistance

On September 26, 1780, British Lieutenant-General Lord Cornwallis approached Charlotte Town, North Carolina, still gloating over having just won an important battle in South Carolina. Since he assumed the Americans would welcome the Redcoats, he was stunned when they were greeted by a burst of gunfire. The Americans fired several more times at the large British army and then disappeared into the woods.

The next day, an angry Lord Cornwallis issued a proclamation to all the people of Charlotte Town and Mecklenburg to "faithfully deliver up their Arms, and give a Military Parole to remain thenceforth peaceable at Home, doing no Offence against His Majesty`s Government, ..."

Much to Cornwallis`s humiliation, very few people turned in their guns.
#LordCornwallis #britishgeneral #americanrevolution #americanrevolutionhistory #mecklenburgcountync #charlottenchistory #britishredcoats #disarm #giveusyourguns #1780 #armedpopulace #disarmedpopulace #2ahistory #therighttobeararms #disarmthepeople #armedpeople #keepandbeararms #2arights #righttokeepandbeararms #gunrightsmatter #armedselfdefense #armedresistance

"The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next week, on October 8, in Garland v. VanDerStok, the challenge to the radical expansion of the regulatory definition of 'firearm' in the Gun Control Act (GCA). Neither Congress nor the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ever touched that statutory definition passed by Congress in 1968. And both left the non-controversial regulatory definition of 'firearm frame or receiver' undisturbed since 1968. But suddenly in 2022 ATF promulgated a Final Rule redefining those terms to include materials, tools, and information that a person with knowledge and skill can use to fabricate a firearm or a frame or receiver.

"One of the most hard-hitting amici briefs filed in support of the challengers to the regulation is the brief of the States of West Virginia and 26 other States. ATF, the brief argues, 'is a political briar patch because of its rulemaking authority.'..."
"But to understand just why ATF's regulatory work can't really be trusted," the Brief continues, "it helps to travel through the rabbit hole of its fickle regulatory scheme. It's a dizzying ride."

The above excerpts are from my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "Follow ATF into a Political Briar Patch?" (10/3/24).

Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website, 
#GarlandvVanDerStok #SCOTUS #2acase #2acases #secondamendmentroundup #2achallenge #firearmslaw #firearmslaws #guncontrolact #federalfirearmsact #firearmsownersprotectionact #firearmdefinition #firearmregulation #ghostgun #ghostguns #gunsmiths #gunsmithing #firearmsparts #batfe #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #atfregulations #atfrules #atffinalrule #firearmsmanufacturer #guncontrol #guncontrolissues #bumpstocks #stabilizingbraces #machineguns #firearmframe

"The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments next week, on October 8, in Garland v. VanDerStok, the challenge to the radical expansion of the regulatory definition of `firearm` in the Gun Control Act (GCA). Neither Congress nor the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ever touched that statutory definition passed by Congress in 1968. And both left the non-controversial regulatory definition of `firearm frame or receiver` undisturbed since 1968. But suddenly in 2022 ATF promulgated a Final Rule redefining those terms to include materials, tools, and information that a person with knowledge and skill can use to fabricate a firearm or a frame or receiver.

"One of the most hard-hitting amici briefs filed in support of the challengers to the regulation is the brief of the States of West Virginia and 26 other States. ATF, the brief argues, `is a political briar patch because of its rulemaking authority.`..."
"But to understand just why ATF`s regulatory work can`t really be trusted," the Brief continues, "it helps to travel through the rabbit hole of its fickle regulatory scheme. It`s a dizzying ride."

The above excerpts are from my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "Follow ATF into a Political Briar Patch?" (10/3/24).

Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website,
#GarlandvVanDerStok #SCOTUS #2acase #2acases #secondamendmentroundup #2achallenge #firearmslaw #firearmslaws #guncontrolact #federalfirearmsact #firearmsownersprotectionact #firearmdefinition #firearmregulation #ghostgun #ghostguns #gunsmiths #gunsmithing #firearmsparts #batfe #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #atfregulations #atfrules #atffinalrule #firearmsmanufacturer #guncontrol #guncontrolissues #bumpstocks #stabilizingbraces #machineguns #firearmframe

Marathon & Triathlon Photos

Reykjavík Half-Marathon, 2019
Reykjavík, Iceland

Jungfrau Marathon, 2004
Jungfrau, Switzerland

Marine Corps Marathon
Washington, D.C.

Alcatraz Triathlon, 2001
San Francisco, California

Berlin Marathon, 2019
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Marathon, 2017
Berlin, Germany