Before the U.S. Supreme Court in Castillo v. U.S. (2000)

“Stephen Halbrook is an attorney with extensive knowledge of the historical underpinnings of the Second Amendment and practical knowledge of litigating in this rapidly evolving area of law. His writings include topics as diverse as Gun Control in the Third Reich and The Founders’ Second Amendment, and he was heavily involved in Heller and McDonald.”

– U.S. District Judge Michael J. Reagan
Shepard v. Madigan, 2014 WL 4825592, *7 (S.D. Ill. 2014)

Supreme Court Practice

Comments on ATF Regulation Proposals

Practice Areas

Gun Control Act/National Firearms Act

  • Firearm technical classifications
  • ATF regulatory compliance
  • FFL warning conferences, license denials,
    and revocations
  • Forfeitures
  • Legal disabilities and restoration of civil rights
  • Criminal defense

State and Local Laws

  • “Assault weapon” restrictions
  • Legal status of firearms
  • Challenging restrictions

Civil and Criminal Cases Litigated >>


Congressional Testimony


Scholarly Articles

“Text-and-History or Means-End Scrutiny? A Response to Professor Nelson Lund’s Critique of Bruen,” 24 Federalist Society Review, (Mar. 15, 2023).

“The Second Amendment Was Adopted to Protect Liberty, Not Slavery: A Reply to Professors Bogus and Anderson,” 20 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 575 (2022).

“Право народа на хранение и ношение оружия: вторая поправка билля о правах сша” [“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: the Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights”], 2 Ukrainian Law Journal “Law of the USA” (2013), 240-50.

“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: the Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights,” 2 Ukrainian Law Journal “Law of the USA” (2013), 240-50.

“Banning America’s Rifle: An Assault on the Second Amendment?,” 22 Federalist Society Review (June 28, 2021).

“Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Do They Have Legal Effect?,” Regent University Law Review, No. 2, 277 (2020-2021).

“The Eidgenössisches Schützenfest: a Traditional Shooting Festival,” Swiss American Historical Society Review (Nov. 2020).

“To Bear Arms for Self-Defense: A ‘Right of the People’ or a Privilege of the Few? Part 2” 21 Federalist Society Review (Mar. 31, 2020).

View More Scholarly Articles >>

Second Amendment Roundup at The Volokh Conspiracy

Rahimi Preserves Bruen,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 26, 2024.

“Bump Stocks Are Not Machineguns,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 16, 2024.

“Just in Time for the Supreme Court to Consider in Rahimi,” The Volokh Conspiracy, May 20, 2024.

“ATF Redefines ‘Engaged in the Business’,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 19, 2024.

“Injunction Against Washington Magazine Ban Stayed Within Minutes,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 11, 2024.

“A Double Shot of Oral Arguments,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 3, 2024.

“Delaware’s ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Argued in 3rd Circuit,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Mar. 14, 2024.

Cargill Bump Stock Argument in Supreme Court,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Feb. 29, 2024.

“D.C.’s Magazine Ban Argued Again in D.C. Circuit,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Feb. 20, 2024.

“The Hawai’i Supreme Court Overrules Bruen,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Feb. 12, 2024.

View More Op-Eds and Short Articles >>

Op-Eds & Short Articles

TV Appearances



Courthouse Steps Oral Argument: Garland v. Cargill – The Federalist Society, (Mar. 5, 2024)

Attorney Stephen Halbrook Discusses the Upcoming Supreme Court Case Garland v. Cargill on Whether Bump Stocks Are Machine Guns – The Federalist Society, “A Seat at the Sitting: The February Docket” (Feb. 15, 2024)

Attorney Stephen Halbrook Talks SCOTUS Re: Biden “Ghost Gun” and “Weapons Part Kits” – Four Boxes Diner (Aug. 13, 2023)

The Case for the AR15 – The Republican Professor (Aug. 1, 2023)

Attorney Stephen Halbrook Breaks Down Current Pistol Brace Fight – Four Boxes Diner (May 22, 2023)

A Year After Bruen, and This Is Happening? – America’s First Freedom (May 20, 2023)

ATF OVERREACH: Stephen Halbrook on How ATF Rules DO NOT = LAW; Defeating the ATF in Court – The Dana Show with Dana Loesch (Mar. 28, 2023)

The Politically Incorrect Truth about America’s Rifle – America’s 1st Freedom (Feb. 4, 2023)

View More Presentations >>

Instagram Updates

Monday I discussed the current issues concerning p Monday I discussed the current issues concerning pistol braces with Mark W. Smith of 4 Boxes Diner ( @thefourboxesdiner ). What exactly is going on? Is this just an ATF power grab? If you have a pistol brace, how do you get in compliance to stay out of legal trouble? Where will the pendulum swing next?

Our interview is titled "BREAKING NEWS: ATTORNEY STEPHEN HALBROOK BREAKS DOWN CURRENT PISTOL BRACE FIGHT" (May 22, 2023) and is available on "The Four Boxes Diner" YouTube channel at:

0:00 Stephen Halbrook Background
0:43 NFA & Pistol Braces
4:48 Is the ATF's Statement Correct?
6:59 Definition of Pistol v Rifle
8:55 Why the ATF is Doing This
10:50 Can you just take the brace off?
14:13 Definition Broadening
16:40 Tie Goes To The Citizen
19:48 Chevron Doctrine
22:14 Upcoming SCOTUS Case
25:58 How Can Most Americans Comply?
29:35 How Prosecutors Will Deal With This...
34:25 How This Will Affect Disabled People
36:25 Deadline Upcoming...
41:02 Thank You!
#pistolbrace #pistolbraces #stabilizingbrace #stabilizingbraces #shortbarrelrifle #shortbarreledrifle #2ndamendment #2amendment #2acase #2acases #nationalfirearmsact #nfaweapons #nfafirearms #gunamnesty #firearmsamnesty #atf #batf #batfe #rtba #rtkba #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #machinegun #riflebarrel #shoulderstock #chevrondoctrine #stephenhalbrook #firearmhistory #pistolsvsrifle #pistolbraceban #freedomisnotfree🇺🇸

Monday I discussed the current issues concerning pistol braces with Mark W. Smith of 4 Boxes Diner ( @thefourboxesdiner ). What exactly is going on? Is this just an ATF power grab? If you have a pistol brace, how do you get in compliance to stay out of legal trouble? Where will the pendulum swing next?

Our interview is titled "BREAKING NEWS: ATTORNEY STEPHEN HALBROOK BREAKS DOWN CURRENT PISTOL BRACE FIGHT" (May 22, 2023) and is available on "The Four Boxes Diner" YouTube channel at:

0:00 Stephen Halbrook Background
0:43 NFA & Pistol Braces
4:48 Is the ATF's Statement Correct?
6:59 Definition of Pistol v Rifle
8:55 Why the ATF is Doing This
10:50 Can you just take the brace off?
14:13 Definition Broadening
16:40 Tie Goes To The Citizen
19:48 Chevron Doctrine
22:14 Upcoming SCOTUS Case
25:58 How Can Most Americans Comply?
29:35 How Prosecutors Will Deal With This...
34:25 How This Will Affect Disabled People
36:25 Deadline Upcoming...
41:02 Thank You!
#pistolbrace #pistolbraces #stabilizingbrace #stabilizingbraces #shortbarrelrifle #shortbarreledrifle #2ndamendment #2amendment #2acase #2acases #nationalfirearmsact #nfaweapons #nfafirearms #gunamnesty #firearmsamnesty #atf #batf #batfe #rtba #rtkba #bureauofalcoholtobaccofirearmsandexplosives #machinegun #riflebarrel #shoulderstock #chevrondoctrine #stephenhalbrook #firearmhistory #pistolsvsrifle #pistolbraceban #freedomisnotfree🇺🇸

A number of states are rebelling against the U.S. A number of states are rebelling against the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022), resulting in litigation across the country. As a result, what is unfolding is a critical “part of a larger historical struggle between freedom and slavery.” I recently had a good discussion about this with Frank Miniter, the Editor-in-Chief of America's 1st Freedom.

The name of the episode is "A Year After Bruen, and this is Happening?" (May 20, 2023) and can be viewed on YouTube at the NRAPubs channel: or on America's 1st Freedom website at:
#2acases #2alaws #2ahistory #2arights #2alaw #2arights #nysrpavbruen #shallnotinfringe #assaultweaponban #magazineban #pistolgrip #firearms #handgunroster #guncontrol #concealedcarry #permittocarry #gunsafety #gunmanufacturer #colonialmilitia #guncontrolact #redflaglaws #americasrifle #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #stephenhalbrook #americas1stfreedom #gunrightsmatter #righttobeararms #rtba #rtkba #assaultweapon

A number of states are rebelling against the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022), resulting in litigation across the country. As a result, what is unfolding is a critical “part of a larger historical struggle between freedom and slavery.” I recently had a good discussion about this with Frank Miniter, the Editor-in-Chief of America's 1st Freedom.

The name of the episode is "A Year After Bruen, and this is Happening?" (May 20, 2023) and can be viewed on YouTube at the NRAPubs channel: or on America's 1st Freedom website at:
#2acases #2alaws #2ahistory #2arights #2alaw #2arights #nysrpavbruen #shallnotinfringe #assaultweaponban #magazineban #pistolgrip #firearms #handgunroster #guncontrol #concealedcarry #permittocarry #gunsafety #gunmanufacturer #colonialmilitia #guncontrolact #redflaglaws #americasrifle #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #stephenhalbrook #americas1stfreedom #gunrightsmatter #righttobeararms #rtba #rtkba #assaultweapon

"Legislatures prohibit so-called assault weapons. "Legislatures prohibit so-called assault weapons. But that term has no fixed meaning, and thus, its features can be defined in contradictory and meaningless ways. Cook County bans generically a rifle with pistol grip and no stock, Massachusetts bans a rifle with pistol grip and a stock, and Maryland does not ban either one. The courts reviewing these bans repeat the terms 'assault weapon' and 'military style' ad nauseam, throw in some intermediate-scrutiny hocus pocus, and voilà—no Second Amendment violation. Rarely is there any meaningful analysis of the specific features that are supposedly so dangerous and unusual that they lose Second Amendment protection."

From Halbrook, America's Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, p.333.
#americasrifle #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #2ahistory #2acases #firearmsban #gunban #therightofthepeople #2a #2ndamendment #righttobeararms #rtba #rtkba #assaultweapon #assaultweapons #assaultweaponban #assaultweaponsban #whatisanassaultweapon #2aright #2ndamendmentright #2asupporter #ar15nation #ar15daily #pistolgrip #gunstock #2aviolation #2ndamendmentviolation #2aprotection #2ndamendmentprotection

"Legislatures prohibit so-called assault weapons. But that term has no fixed meaning, and thus, its features can be defined in contradictory and meaningless ways. Cook County bans generically a rifle with pistol grip and no stock, Massachusetts bans a rifle with pistol grip and a stock, and Maryland does not ban either one. The courts reviewing these bans repeat the terms 'assault weapon' and 'military style' ad nauseam, throw in some intermediate-scrutiny hocus pocus, and voilà—no Second Amendment violation. Rarely is there any meaningful analysis of the specific features that are supposedly so dangerous and unusual that they lose Second Amendment protection."

From Halbrook, America's Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, p.333.
#americasrifle #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #2ahistory #2acases #firearmsban #gunban #therightofthepeople #2a #2ndamendment #righttobeararms #rtba #rtkba #assaultweapon #assaultweapons #assaultweaponban #assaultweaponsban #whatisanassaultweapon #2aright #2ndamendmentright #2asupporter #ar15nation #ar15daily #pistolgrip #gunstock #2aviolation #2ndamendmentviolation #2aprotection #2ndamendmentprotection

You want a "healthy constitution to face the trial You want a "healthy constitution to face the trials of life with"? Get outside and get in some hunting or target shooting. 
Vintage Stevens ad from an early 1900s issue of Harper's Monthly.
#gunads #vintagegunads #stevensrifles #stevensshotguns #stevenspistols #stevensgunad #vintageads #historyinads #stevensad #jstevensarms #jstevensarmscompany #vintagegunad #1900sadvertising #responsiblegunowner #responsiblegunownership #stevensarms #sportswoman #womanhunter #womenandguns #reliablegun #historicgunad #huntingdog #harpersmonthly #harpersmonthlymagazine #targetshooting #getoutdoors #riflespistolsshotguns #firearmscompany #guncompany #gunmanufacturer

You want a "healthy constitution to face the trials of life with"? Get outside and get in some hunting or target shooting.

Vintage Stevens ad from an early 1900s issue of Harper's Monthly.
#gunads #vintagegunads #stevensrifles #stevensshotguns #stevenspistols #stevensgunad #vintageads #historyinads #stevensad #jstevensarms #jstevensarmscompany #vintagegunad #1900sadvertising #responsiblegunowner #responsiblegunownership #stevensarms #sportswoman #womanhunter #womenandguns #reliablegun #historicgunad #huntingdog #harpersmonthly #harpersmonthlymagazine #targetshooting #getoutdoors #riflespistolsshotguns #firearmscompany #guncompany #gunmanufacturer

In World War II, the Nazis despised Switzerland In World War II, the Nazis despised Switzerland due to her values of freedom and democracy.  Invasion plans were made but the cost in blood would have been high, and soldiers were needed for the Eastern Front.  "In September 1942, the Division for Foreign Armies in the West of the German Army’s General Staff put together a Kleine Orientierungsheft Schweiz (Orientation Booklet about Switzerland). It included a brief exposition of the Swiss Army’s fighting qualities:

'Under the Swiss militia system, all men fit for duty are registered at relatively low cost. This militia system maintains the martial spirit of the Swiss people and establishes an army that, for such a small country, is strong, well organized, and quickly mobilized. 

'Swiss soldiers love their country and are hardy and tough. They are excellent marksmen and take good care of their weapons, equipment, uniforms, horses and pack animals. In particular Swiss Germans and soldiers from the Alps are reputed to be good fighters.

'However, despite intensive drills and exercises over recent years, soldiers were not trained well enough, at least at the beginning of the war.

'Army leadership reflects both German and French influences.  However, the lack of real-war experience and the overly bureaucratic organization of the staffs complicate most operations.  Also, the Swiss tend to commit their reserves too quickly.

'With that said, so far there have been no indications that both the government and the people are not determined to defend Swiss neutrality against any and all attackers.' ”

From Halbrook, The Swiss and The Nazis: How the Alpine Republic Survived in the Shadow of the Third Reich, p. 246
#schweizerarmee #1942 #freedomanddemocracy #swissarmyleadership #swissgermans #militarydrills #swissmarksmanship #swissneutrality #swissarmy #swisssoldiers #nazigermany #wwiihistory #ww2history #armedswiss #swissresistance #resistance #naziinvasion 
#Switzerlandhistory #swissarmywwii #swissarmy #theswissandthenazis #armedneutrality #swissarmedneutrality #swissmilitaryservice #switzerland #homedefense #armeddefense #swissarmedforces #militia #swissmilitia

In World War II, the Nazis despised Switzerland due to her values of freedom and democracy.  Invasion plans were made but the cost in blood would have been high, and soldiers were needed for the Eastern Front.  "In September 1942, the Division for Foreign Armies in the West of the German Army’s General Staff put together a Kleine Orientierungsheft Schweiz (Orientation Booklet about Switzerland). It included a brief exposition of the Swiss Army’s fighting qualities:

'Under the Swiss militia system, all men fit for duty are registered at relatively low cost. This militia system maintains the martial spirit of the Swiss people and establishes an army that, for such a small country, is strong, well organized, and quickly mobilized. 

'Swiss soldiers love their country and are hardy and tough. They are excellent marksmen and take good care of their weapons, equipment, uniforms, horses and pack animals. In particular Swiss Germans and soldiers from the Alps are reputed to be good fighters.

'However, despite intensive drills and exercises over recent years, soldiers were not trained well enough, at least at the beginning of the war.

'Army leadership reflects both German and French influences.  However, the lack of real-war experience and the overly bureaucratic organization of the staffs complicate most operations.  Also, the Swiss tend to commit their reserves too quickly.

'With that said, so far there have been no indications that both the government and the people are not determined to defend Swiss neutrality against any and all attackers.' ”

From Halbrook, The Swiss and The Nazis: How the Alpine Republic Survived in the Shadow of the Third Reich, p. 246
#schweizerarmee #1942 #freedomanddemocracy #swissarmyleadership #swissgermans #militarydrills #swissmarksmanship #swissneutrality #swissarmy #swisssoldiers #nazigermany #wwiihistory #ww2history #armedswiss #swissresistance #resistance #naziinvasion
#Switzerlandhistory #swissarmywwii #swissarmy #theswissandthenazis #armedneutrality #swissarmedneutrality #swissmilitaryservice #switzerland #homedefense #armeddefense #swissarmedforces #militia #swissmilitia

"As an advocate of a popular militia instead of a "As an advocate of a popular militia instead of a professional standing army, Machiavelli was particularly qualified to examine the subject in The Art of War (1521), for he had successfully organized and led a citizen militia in the early sixteenth century.  In praising the Roman republican example of part-time common soldiers, who 'entered voluntarily into the service,' while working in other occupations, Machiavelli lauds 'the important privilege accorded Roman citizens of not being forced into the army against their will.' The demise of the republic was also the demise of the armed populace: 'For Augustus, and after him Tiberius, more interested in establishing and increasing their own power than in promoting the public good, began to disarm the Roman people (in order to make them more passive under their tyranny) and to keep the same armies continually on foot within the confines of the Empire.'"

From Halbrook, That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, p. 22.  
#niccolòmachiavelli #niccolomachiavelli #machiavelli #machiavelliquotes #theartofwar #militia #standingarmy #citizenmilitia #romanrepublic #romancitizens  #augustus #tiberius #disarmthepeople #2a #2ndamendment #defendthe2nd #rtkba #righttobeararms #armedpeople #armedpopulace #armed #armedcitizen #keepandbeararms #selfdefense #thateverymanbearmed #historybuff #historygeek #2ahistory #tyranny #tyranicalgovernment

"As an advocate of a popular militia instead of a professional standing army, Machiavelli was particularly qualified to examine the subject in The Art of War (1521), for he had successfully organized and led a citizen militia in the early sixteenth century.  In praising the Roman republican example of part-time common soldiers, who 'entered voluntarily into the service,' while working in other occupations, Machiavelli lauds 'the important privilege accorded Roman citizens of not being forced into the army against their will.' The demise of the republic was also the demise of the armed populace: 'For Augustus, and after him Tiberius, more interested in establishing and increasing their own power than in promoting the public good, began to disarm the Roman people (in order to make them more passive under their tyranny) and to keep the same armies continually on foot within the confines of the Empire.'"

From Halbrook, That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, p. 22.  
#niccolòmachiavelli #niccolomachiavelli #machiavelli #machiavelliquotes #theartofwar #militia #standingarmy #citizenmilitia #romanrepublic #romancitizens  #augustus #tiberius #disarmthepeople #2a #2ndamendment #defendthe2nd #rtkba #righttobeararms #armedpeople #armedpopulace #armed #armedcitizen #keepandbeararms #selfdefense #thateverymanbearmed #historybuff #historygeek #2ahistory #tyranny #tyranicalgovernment

"The right of self defence is the first law of nat "The right of self defence is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." -- St. George Tucker. Tucker, a law professor and judge, was known as "the American Blackstone," and wrote the first ever commentaries on the United States Constitution. 

From Halbrook, The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, p. 185 (hardback edition).
#stgeorgetucker #lawprofessor #americanblackstone #blackstonescommentaries #2ahistory #2a #2ndamendment #righttobeararms #secondamendment #citizenrights #guns #firearms #rtkba #individualrights #keepandbeararms #rtba #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttobeararms #rightofthepeople #selfdefense #armedselfdefense #rightofselfdefense #righttoselfdefense #individualliberty #usconstitution #lawofnature #1stlawofnature #standingarmies #brinkofdestruction

"The right of self defence is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction." -- St. George Tucker. Tucker, a law professor and judge, was known as "the American Blackstone," and wrote the first ever commentaries on the United States Constitution.

From Halbrook, The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, p. 185 (hardback edition).
#stgeorgetucker #lawprofessor #americanblackstone #blackstonescommentaries #2ahistory #2a #2ndamendment #righttobeararms #secondamendment #citizenrights #guns #firearms #rtkba #individualrights #keepandbeararms #rtba #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttobeararms #rightofthepeople #selfdefense #armedselfdefense #rightofselfdefense #righttoselfdefense #individualliberty #usconstitution #lawofnature #1stlawofnature #standingarmies #brinkofdestruction

In the United States: "Most state constitutions pr In the United States: "Most state constitutions protect the right to have and carry 'arms,' and none include language that would freeze the technology of such arms in a time period. Pennsylvania’s 1790 guarantee that the citizens’ right 'to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned' is not limited to flintlocks. For over two centuries, states have continued to adopt or amend arms guarantees. Missouri’s 2014 amended guarantee, the most recent, protects the citizen’s right 'to keep and bear arms, ammunition, and accessories typical to the normal function of such arms, in defense of his home, person, family and property' from being 'questioned.' Modern arms such as the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle are obviously included."

From Halbrook, America's Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, p. 108.
#stateconstitutions #usconstitutions #paconstitution #pennsylvaniaconstitution #moconstitution #missouriconstitution #selfdefense #armedselfdefense #homedefense #gunsandammo #firearmaccessories #gunaccessories #ar15 #semiautomaticrifle #modernfirearms #americangunowners #americasrifle #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #2ahistory #therightofthepeople #tokeepandbeararms #shallnotbeinfringed #2ndamendment #righttobeararms #rtba #rtkba #2ndamendmentright #2asupporter #ar15nation #ar15daily

In the United States: "Most state constitutions protect the right to have and carry 'arms,' and none include language that would freeze the technology of such arms in a time period. Pennsylvania’s 1790 guarantee that the citizens’ right 'to bear arms in defence of themselves and the State shall not be questioned' is not limited to flintlocks. For over two centuries, states have continued to adopt or amend arms guarantees. Missouri’s 2014 amended guarantee, the most recent, protects the citizen’s right 'to keep and bear arms, ammunition, and accessories typical to the normal function of such arms, in defense of his home, person, family and property' from being 'questioned.' Modern arms such as the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle are obviously included."

From Halbrook, America's Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, p. 108.
#stateconstitutions #usconstitutions #paconstitution #pennsylvaniaconstitution #moconstitution #missouriconstitution #selfdefense #armedselfdefense #homedefense #gunsandammo #firearmaccessories #gunaccessories #ar15 #semiautomaticrifle #modernfirearms #americangunowners #americasrifle #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #2ahistory #therightofthepeople #tokeepandbeararms #shallnotbeinfringed #2ndamendment #righttobeararms #rtba #rtkba #2ndamendmentright #2asupporter #ar15nation #ar15daily

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Marathon & Triathlon Photos

Reykjavík Half-Marathon, 2019
Reykjavík, Iceland

Jungfrau Marathon, 2004
Jungfrau, Switzerland

Marine Corps Marathon
Washington, D.C.

Alcatraz Triathlon, 2001
San Francisco, California

Berlin Marathon, 2019
Berlin, Germany

Berlin Marathon, 2017
Berlin, Germany