“8th Circuit Rules for 18 to 20-Year-Olds,” The Volokh Conspiracy, July 22, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“8th Circuit Rules in Favor of Pistol Brace Owners,” The Volokh Conspiracy, August 25, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Afraid to Trust the People with Arms,” 7 The Free Market No. 6, 2, 5 (June 1989); reprinted in The Economics of Liberty, ed. L. Rockwell (Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1990).1990Firearms Law and Precedent
“Agency ‘Guidance,’ Interpretive Regulations, and Chevron,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Jan. 25, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“America’s Rifle,” The Volokh Conspiracy, December 12, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“America’s Rifle: What the Gun-Control Crowd Doesn’t Want You to Know about AR-Type Rifles,” America’s 1st Freedom, Jan. 29, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“An American’s View of How the Swiss Coped with the Crisis in the 1990s,” Wir Ziehen Bilanz: Zur Auseinandersetzung um die Haltung der Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Stäfa: Th. Gut Verlag, Zürichsee Presse AG, 2005), 154-73. Also in La Suisse au pilori? Témoignages et bilan à la suite du Rapport Bergier (Edition Cabédita, Yens-sur-Morges 2006).2006Switzerland
“An Armed Society,” American Guardian, Jan. 1998, 40-43, 57-58.1998Switzerland
“Anatomy of a Lie,” America’s 1st Freedom, October 2001, 24-29, 52-53.2001Firearms Law and Precedent
“Another Look at the Brady Law,” The Washington Post, Oct. 8, 1994, A18.1994Firearms Law and Precedent
“Armed and Free,” Soldier of Fortune, December 1994, 6.1994Firearms Law and Precedent
“Armed School Guards Are Our Best Bet to Stop Future Newtowns,” Newsday (Long Island), Jan. 24, 2013.2013Firearms Law and Precedent
“Armed to the Teeth, and Free,” The Wall Street Journal Europe, June 3, 1999.1999Switzerland
“Armenian Genocide Didn’t Happen by Accident,” Tribune News Service, May 13, 2015.2015Firearms Law and Precedent
“‘Arming America’ or Disarming Reality?” 149 American Rifleman 69 (January 2001).2001The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Arms of the People Should Be Taken Away,” 137 American Rifleman 26-29, 76-77 (March 1989). 1989The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“ATF Redefines ‘Engaged in the Business’,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 19, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“ATF’s Final Rule Implicates the Right to Bear Arms,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 2, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“ATF’s Wish to Trace More Firearms Doesn’t Justify Redefining ‘Firearm,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 1, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Attorney General Ashcroft & the Second Amendment,” NRA-ILA, (July 1, 2004).2004Firearms Law and Precedent
“Ballot Initiatives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” America’s 1st Freedom, Aug. 31, 2020.2020Firearms Law and Precedent
“BATF vs. Supreme Court,” 144 American Rifleman 4 (Apr. 1996).1996Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Battle for Freedom Escalates,” America’s 1st Freedom, June 28, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Bear Arms and Go to Jail,” Part A1 of We The People: Community Forums on the Constitution, American Bar Association Commission on Public Understanding About the Law (1987), 14 pp.1987Firearms Law and Precedent
“Bearing Arms a Right, Not Rhetoric,” Savannah Morning News, December 15, 2007.2007Firearms Law and Precedent
“Bearing Arms Is a Right,” San Antonio Express-News, April 16, 1991, 9-A.1991Firearms Law and Precedent
“Blame for Parkland Rests with Local School Officials and FBI Ineptitude,” Sacramento Bee, Feb. 28, 2018.2018Firearms Law and Precedent
“Book Review: Einer Für Alle, Alle Für Einen—One For All, All For One,” 59 Swiss American Historical Society Review, No. 2, 92-100 (2023).2023Switzerland
“Bump Stocks Are Not Machineguns,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 16, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Bush Administration and the Second Amendment,” ALEC Policy Forum, Vol.4, No.2, 42-45 (Summer/Fall 2002).2002Firearms Law and Precedent
“Can the First Amendment Survive a Ban on Tobacco Advertising?” American Voices 409-15 (New York 1987).1987Misc
Cargill Bump Stock Argument in Supreme Court,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Feb. 29, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Chicago Versus the Second Amendment,”Washington Examiner, Feb. 27, 2010.2010Firearms Law and Precedent
“Citizens’ Rights Reloaded” (with U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson), The Washington Times, June 29, 2008.2008Firearms Law and Precedent
“Concessions by the Government in the Rahimi Oral Argument,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Nov. 27, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
"A Danger to Public Safety," American Rifleman, January 2016, 74-79.2016Nazi Gun Control Policies
“The Darker Side of Gun Control,” National Law Journal, May 24, 2004, 39.2004Switzerland
“Das Nazi-Waffengesetz und die Entwaffnung der deutschen Juden,” Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift, Nr. 12, Dezember 2001, 8-11.2001Switzerland
“D.C.’s Magazine Ban Argued Again in D.C. Circuit,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Feb. 20, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Debating the Second Amendment Point: The Constitution protects each American’s right to own a firearm,” San Diego Union Tribune, May 19, 2002, G1, 6.2002Firearms Law and Precedent
“Deconstructing the Second Amendment,” posted by, (Nov. 3, 2000).2000The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Delaware’s ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Argued in 3rd Circuit,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Mar. 14, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
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“Der freie Bürger und sein Recht, eine Waffe zu tragen,” Schweizerzeit, 21. Februar 2003, 5.2003Switzerland
“Did the Fourteenth Amendment Alter the Meaning of the Second Amendment?,” The Volokh Conspiracy, December 14, 2022.2002Firearms Law and Precedent
“Die Fehler der Vereiningten Statten vermeiden,” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, March 4, 1997, 18.1997Switzerland
“Die Schweiz – immer auf Seiten der Freiheit,” STAB-Preis 2002 für Stephen P. Halbrook und Angelo M. Codevilla (Stiftung für Abendländische Besinnung Zürich, 2002), 27-33.2002Switzerland
“Die Schweiz im Visier,” Neue Zürcher Zeitung, April 23, 2003, S. 14.2003Switzerland
“Die Schweiz ist ein Sonderfall,” Pro Libertate, Juli-August 2010, S. 5.2010Switzerland
“District Court Invalidates California’s Unsafe Handgun Act,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Mar. 27, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“‘Do as I Say, Not as You Ruled,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 31, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Does a Medieval English Statute Supersede the Second Amendment? New York Takes a Long Shot at Saving Its Firearm Carry Ban,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 12, 2021.2021The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Does the United States Need a National Database for Ballistic Fingerprints?,” Insight Magazine, Vol. 18, Issue 41, Nov. 26, 2002.2002Firearms Law and Precedent
“Don’t Confirm Holder,” Human Events, Jan. 28, 2009.2009Firearms Law and Precedent
“Don’t Know Much About History: New York’s Supreme Court Brief on the Second Amendment Is Flawed,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 11, 2021.2021The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“A Double Shot of Oral Arguments,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 3, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Eine dringende Ergänzung zum Bergier-Bericht: Ein Interview mit dem Juristen und Buchautor Stephen P. Halbrook,” Schweizerzeit, 28.Mai 2010, 5-6.2010Switzerland
Emerson’s Second Amendment,” Independent Institute, 2001.2001Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Extreme Makeover of St. George Tucker,” America’s 1st Freedom 25 (Jan. 2007).2007The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
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“Firearms: On Trial in Germany,” NRA Action, 3 (August 1992).1992Firearms Law and Precedent
“Follow ATF into a Political Briar Patch?,” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 3, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Founders and Firearms,” The Washington Times, June 11, 2008.2008The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Framers Didn’t Want a National Police Force,” National Law Journal, Jan. 17, 1994, 14.1994The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Fusillade of Amicus Briefs Filed in Rahimi,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 9, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Great Legal War Over Your Freedom,” America’s 1st Freedom, Dec. 23, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Gun Control Laws Won’t Stop Las Vegas-Type Massacres,” Sacramento Bee, Oct. 12, 2017.2017Firearms Law and Precedent
“Gun Control: The Kristallnacht Version of ‘Common-Sense Safety’,” Investor’s Business Daily (Nov. 15, 2018).2018Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Gun Control Measures Hazardous for Citizens,” Canadian Firearms Journal, March/April 2015, 14-15.2015Firearms Law and Precedent
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“Guns and Rights,” USA Today, May 16, 1990, 11A.1990Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Hawai’i Supreme Court Overrules Bruen,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Feb. 12, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
““He’s at It Again!”,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Sept. 11, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“How Does New York City Get Away with This?” America’s First Freedom (July 26, 2020).2020Firearms Law and Precedent
“How the Nazis Used Gun Control,” National Review Online, December 2, 2013.2013Nazi Gun Control Policies
“How the Swiss Defeated the Gun Ban,” America’s 1st Freedom, July 2011, 22-25.2011Switzerland
“Illinois Gun Ban Enjoined,” The Volokh Conspiracy, May 1, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“In New York State Rifle, the Court Should Look to Text, History, and Tradition,SCOTUSblog, Oct. 31, 2021.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“In the Shadow of William Tell,” Guns, September 1997, 20, 22.1997Switzerland
“Injunction Against Washington Magazine Ban Stayed Within Minutes,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 11, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
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“It’s a Wonderful Model” (interview), Current Concerns June 2013, 5-8.2013Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Judge Garland and the Second Amendment,” The Washington Times, March 30, 2016, B3.2016Firearms Law and Precedent
“Judge Ho 2.0,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Nov. 21 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“A Judge Who Understands Firearms,” The Volokh Conspiracy, April 27, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Just in Time for the Supreme Court to Consider in Rahimi,” The Volokh Conspiracy, May 20, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Justice Stevens’s Second Amendment Pipe Dream,” National Review Online, April 18, 2018.2018Firearms Law and Precedent
“Kontraproduktiv! Das Geplante Schweizer Waffenrecht Aus Der Sicht Eines Amerikaners,” Deutsches Waffen-Journal, May 1997, 772-73.1997Switzerland
“Lessons from Nazi Gun Control,” San Francisco Chronicle, July 16, 2014.2014Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Let Jews Defend Themselves from Terrorism,” Detroit News, March 31, 2015.2015Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Letter from Prague,” Chronicles 33-35 (Jan. 1995).1995Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Long March to Restore the Second Amendment in New York,” America’s 1st Freedom, Jan. 26, 2021.2021The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Looking for Historical Analogues in All the Wrong Places,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 6, 2023.2023The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Looking for Historical Tradition in All the Wrong Places,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Aug. 24, 2023.2023The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Martial Arts Weapons Injuries,” 24 Black Belt 70-74, 98-102 (June 1986).1986Misc
“Massachusetts Target Censorship Violates the First Amendment,” The Message, Aug. 1999, 8.1999Firearms Law and Precedent
“A Miscellany of Errors in Justice Department’s Rahimi Reply,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Nov. 2, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“National Rifle Association,” 2 Violence in America: An Encyclopedia, ed. Ronald Cottesman (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1999), 436-38.1999Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Nazis’ Gun Ban Facilitated Kristallnact,” History News Network (GMU), Nov. 25, 2013.2013Nazi Gun Control Policies
“New York Gun Rights Case Before Supreme Court with Massive Consequences,” The Hill, July 23, 2021.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“New York’s Futile Search for Historical Precedents for Its Handgun Carry Restrictions: The Massachusetts Model Was Not a Carry Ban and Required Aggressive Behavior Before It Applied,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 13, 2021.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“New York’s ‘Good Moral Character’ Requirement for Gun Permits,” The Volokh Conspiracy, September 26, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“No Controlling Legal Authority,” America’s 1st Freedom, November/December 2000, 14.2000Firearms Law and Precedent
“Not All History Is Created Equal,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Nov. 1, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
NRA v. BATFE: A Misinterpretation of History,” Jurist–Hotline, Nov. 9, 2012.2012Firearms Law and Precedent
“The NRA Goes to the Highest Court in the Land to Protect Our Right to Speak,” America’s 1st Freedom, May 24, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“NYC’s ‘Good Moral Character’ Requirement Void,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 28, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“An Opening Judicial Salvo in Defense of Illinois’ New Rifle Ban,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Mar. 13, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Personal Liberty Guarantee,” The Washington Times, May 21, 1995.1995Firearms Law and Precedent
“Persons Aged 18-20 Are Entitled to Carry Firearms,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 6, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“‘Plain Text,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, December 13, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“‘Printz’ Will Have Effect on U.S. Gun Legislation,” National Law Journal, Aug. 18, 1997, A18.1997Firearms Law and Precedent
“Product Liability Law,” 131 American Rifleman 34-35, 71 (May 1983).1983Firearms Law and Precedent
Rahimi Preserves Bruen,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 26, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Recalling the Tragic History of Gun Control,” The American Spectator, Sept. 4, 2019.2019Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Registration, Confiscation, Arrest,” The Daily Caller, Sept. 21, 2016.2016Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Registration: The Nazi Paradigm,” American Rifleman 52-55, 91 (June 2001).2001Nazi Gun Control Policies
“Relief in Sight? H.R. 2640,” America’s 1st Freedom, Sept. 2007, 44, & American Rifleman, Sept. 2007, 16.2007Firearms Law and Precedent
“Repeal the Second Amendment?” The Washington Times, March 1, 2018, B3.2018Firearms Law and Precedent
“Reports of the Death of the Second Amendment Have Been Greatly Exaggerated: The Emerson Decision,” Independent Institute, November 19, 2001.2001Firearms Law and Precedent
“Restoring the Second and Tenth Amendments,” LEAA Advocate, Summer-Fall 1997, 70-72.1997Firearms Law and Precedent
“Rewriting the Second Amendment,” American Rifleman, October 2001, 48-49, 88-89.2001Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Right to Bear Arms Isn’t Just for Militias,” National Law Journal A22 (Oct. 9, 1995).1995The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms,” The Message (Northborough, MA), July 1999, 5-6.1999The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Right to Bear Arms,” 78 SAR Magazine (Sons of the American Revolution) 14-15 (Summer 1983).1983The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Right to Bear Arms,” 3 Violence in America: An Encyclopedia, ed. Ronald Cottesman (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1999), 48-52.1999The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Right to Bear Arms in Historical Context: Founding Realities Refute New York’s Arguments Supporting Its Gun Carry Ban,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 15, 2021.2021The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“2nd Amendment: A Right to Own Arms?” USA Today, Nov. 20, 1991, 11A.1991The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Second Amendment Had Nothing to Do with Slavery,” Fox News, June 22, 2018.2018The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Second Amendment: Post-Sniper Policy,” National Law Journal A17 (Nov. 11, 2002).2002Firearms Law and Precedent
“Second Amendment Sanctuaries Started in 1774,” American Thinker, December 22, 2019.2019The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“The Second Amendment Stands,” USA Today, January 16, 1991, 8A.1991Firearms Law and Precedent
“Second Circuit Opines on New York’s Gun Restrictions,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Dec. 17, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Securing Civil Rights,” America’s First Freedom, Oct. 2010, 46-50.2010Firearms Law and Precedent
“Semiautomatic Article Draws BATF Response,” 136 American Rifleman 34-35 (December 1988).1988Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Sensitive Places Issue in New York Rifle,”The Volokh Conspiracy, Nov. 8, 2021 (with David Kopel).2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“Should All Gun Sales Be Registered in a National Database?” 23 CQResearcher, No. 10, 249, March 8, 2013.2013Firearms Law and Precedent
“Should Courts Appoint Historians as Experts in Second Amendment Cases?,” The Volokh Conspiracy, December 15, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“Should the Fifth Circuit Reconsider Rahimi En Banc?,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Mar. 15, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Some of the World’s Most Powerful Banks Push Policies Circumventing Constitution and Federal Laws,” Los Angles Times, September 13, 2018.2018Firearms Law and Precedent
“Stephen Halbrook Guest-Blogging on Second Amendment Law,” The Volokh Conspiracy, December 12, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“Stephen Halbrook Guest-Blogging on Second Amendment Law,” The Volokh Conspiracy, December 12, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Supreme Court Should Review and Enjoin the Illinois Gun Ban,” The Volokh Conspiracy, May 10, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Supreme Court Sides with Gun Owners,” American Rifleman 46-48, 90-91 (August 1992).1992Firearms Law and Precedent
“The Supreme Court Stays Vacatur of AFT Regulations,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Aug. 8, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“Supreme Court’s Latest Second Amendment Case Isn’t about Race, It’s about Rights,” The Washington Times, Oct. 25, 2021.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“A Surprise Amicus Brief in the Challenge to New York’s Gun Carry Ban: Former Judge Luttig’s Arguments Are Off Base,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Oct. 14, 2021.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“Swiss Mess: Homeland Defense, the Wrong Way” (with Dave Kopel & Carlo Stagnaro), National Review Online (October 30, 2001).2001Switzerland
“Swiss Schuetzenfest,” American Rifleman, 46-47, 74-75 (May 1993).1993Switzerland
“Switzerland’s Feldschiessen,” Gun Digest 20-26 (1996/50th Annual Edition).1996Switzerland
“Switzerland, Gun Laws,” Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law, Gregg Lee Carter, ed. (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2002), 569-72.2002Switzerland
“Switzerland and Its Armed Citizenry,” Chronicles 38-40 (Jan. 1998).1998Switzerland
“Terror Law Trap for Gun Owners?” The Washington Times, Mar. 14, 1996, A19.1996Firearms Law and Precedent
“Textualism and ATF’s Redefinition of ‘Firearm,’” The Volokh Conspiracy, September 30, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Third Circuit Rules Felon Ban Invalid as Applied,” The Volokh Conspiracy, June 11, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“This Supreme Court Case Also Matters,” America’s 1st Freedom, Jan. 20, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“Time for a History Lesson about Gun Control,” TownHall, June 22, 2018.2018Nazi Gun Control Policies
“To Bear Arms for Self-Defense,” 132 American Rifleman 28-29, 67-68 (Nov. 1984).1984The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“To Keep and Bear Arms,” The Republic (Columbus, IN), May 19, 1995.1995The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“To Preserve Liberty, Not Slavery,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Apr. 11, 2023.2023The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“To Trust the People with Arms,” New Federalist Papers, No. 117 and 118, Public Research Syndicated (published in affiliated newspapers Aug. 1985).1985The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Tragödien gibt es überall,” Südkurier, Feb. 28, 2011.2011Misc
“The Truth about NICS,” America’s 1st Freedom, Nov. 25, 2020.2020Firearms Law and Precedent
“Ukraine War Reintroduces U.S. Politicians to the Second Amendment,” The Washington Times, Mar. 29, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“Upholding Oregon’s Magazine Ban,” The Volokh Conspiracy, July 25, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“U.S. Seeking Cert on Prohibited Persons,” The Volokh Conspiracy, May 29, 2023.2023Firearms Law and Precedent
“The VanDerStok Argument,” The Volokh Conspiracy, October 10, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
VanDerStok Tests Limits of Yet Another ATF Rule,” The Volokh Conspiracy, September 29, 2024.2024Firearms Law and Precedent
“The War Against Semi-Automatics,” 136 American Rifleman 40-41, 80, June 1988.1988Firearms Law and Precedent
“We Must Remember Our History of Freedom,” America’s 1st Freedom, Mar. 8, 2020.2020The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“Were the Founding Fathers in Favor of Gun Ownership?,” The Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2000, B5. Spanish-language version, “¿Estaban los Padres Fundadores a Favor de la Tenencia de Armas?”2000The Second Amendment: Historical Issues
“What Firearms Have ‘Common-Use’ Protections?,” America’s 1st Freedom, May 22, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“What Made the Nazi Holocaust Possible?,” The Washington Times, Nov. 7, 2013. Reprinted in America’s 1st Freedom, Feb. 2014, 72.2014Nazi Gun Control Policies
“What Makes a Gun a Gun?,” America’s 1st Freedom, Mar. 23, 2020.2020Firearms Law and Precedent
“What This U.S. Supreme Court Decision Will Mean for America,” America’s 1st Freedom, Aug. 24, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“What Will the U.S. Supreme Court Decide?,” America’s 1st Freedom, Jan. 2, 2022.2022Firearms Law and Precedent
“When Is a Constitutional Right Not a Right?,” The Wall Street Journal, Nov. 2, 2021.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“Where Kids and Guns Do Mix,” The Wall Street Journal, June 10, 1999, A26. Spanish-language version: “Donde los Niños las Armas se Entremezclan.”1999Switzerland
“Why Switzerland?” Current Concerns, April 2000, 3-4.2000Switzerland
“Will the Second Amendment Survive Coronavirus?,” National Review, Mar. 30, 2020, and Independent Institute, Mar. 31, 2020.2020Firearms Law and Precedent
“Will We Be Allowed to Carry Our Freedom Where We Need It Most?,” America’s 1st Freedom, 28, August 2021, and Independent Institute, Mar. 31, 2020.2021Firearms Law and Precedent
“The World’s Largest Rifle Shooting Match: Switzerland 1995,” The 1996 Precision Shooting Annual (Manchester, CT: Precision Shooting, Inc., 1996).1996Switzerland
“Yes, Nazis Disarming the Jews Did Make a Difference,” Investor’s Business Dailey, Oct. 15, 2015.2015Switzerland