Before the U.S. Supreme Court in Castillo v. U.S. (2000)
“Stephen Halbrook is an attorney with extensive knowledge of the historical underpinnings of the Second Amendment and practical knowledge of litigating in this rapidly evolving area of law. His writings include topics as diverse as Gun Control in the Third Reich and The Founders’ Second Amendment, and he was heavily involved in Heller and McDonald.”
– U.S. District Judge Michael J. Reagan
Shepard v. Madigan, 2014 WL 4825592, *7 (S.D. Ill. 2014)
Supreme Court Practice
Comments on ATF Regulation Proposals
Practice Areas
Gun Control Act/National Firearms Act
- Firearm technical classifications
- ATF regulatory compliance
- FFL warning conferences, license denials,
and revocations - Forfeitures
- Legal disabilities and restoration of civil rights
- Criminal defense
State and Local Laws
- “Assault weapon” restrictions
- Legal status of firearms
- Challenging restrictions
1968 Hearings on GCA Regulations
Congressional Testimony

Feinstein Semiauto Ban & Fix NICS

Sportsmen’s Heritage & Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act

Judge Sotomayor Nomination
Senate Judiciary Committee | 7-17-2009

Eric Holder Nomination
Senate Judiciary Committee | 1-16-2009
Scholarly Articles
“Textualism, the Gun Control Act, and ATF’s Redefinition of ‘Firearm’,” Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy: Per Curiam No. 32, (Summer 2024).
“Text-and-History or Means-End Scrutiny? A Response to Professor Nelson Lund’s Critique of Bruen,” 24 Federalist Society Review, (Mar. 15, 2023).
“The Second Amendment Was Adopted to Protect Liberty, Not Slavery: A Reply to Professors Bogus and Anderson,” 20 Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 575 (2022).
“Право народа на хранение и ношение оружия: вторая поправка билля о правах сша” [“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: the Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights”], 2 Ukrainian Law Journal “Law of the USA” (2013), 240-50.
“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: the Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights,” 2 Ukrainian Law Journal “Law of the USA” (2013), 240-50.
“Banning America’s Rifle: An Assault on the Second Amendment?,” 22 Federalist Society Review (June 28, 2021).
“Virginia’s Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Do They Have Legal Effect?,” Regent University Law Review, No. 2, 277 (2020-2021).
“The Eidgenössisches Schützenfest: a Traditional Shooting Festival,” Swiss American Historical Society Review (Nov. 2020).
“To Bear Arms for Self-Defense: A ‘Right of the People’ or a Privilege of the Few? Part 2” 21 Federalist Society Review (Mar. 31, 2020).
Second Amendment Roundup at The Volokh Conspiracy
“18 to 20 Age Ban Cases Coming to a Head,” The Volokh Conspiracy, March 20, 2025.
“Rehearing En Banc Sought in 5th Circuit Suppressor Case,” The Volokh Conspiracy, March 11, 2025.
“Court Seems Disposed to Rule for S&W and Against Mexico,” The Volokh Conspiracy, Mar. 9, 2025.
“Supreme Court Should Hold Its Decision in VanDerStok,” The Volokh Conspiracy, February 26, 2025.
“5th Circuit Holds Suppressors Not to Be Protected ‘Arms’,” The Volokh Conspiracy, February 17, 2025.
“5th Circuit Nixes Ban on Gun Sales to 18 to 20 Age Group,” The Volokh Conspiracy, February 9, 2025.
“Supreme Court Relists Two Cases,” The Volokh Conspiracy, January 15, 2025.
“Circuit Conflict in Felon Gun Ban Cases,” The Volokh Conspiracy, January 13, 2025.
“The Court Should Grant Cert in Snope,” The Volokh Conspiracy, January 9, 2025.
“Supreme Court Considering Arms Ban Petitions on Friday,” The Volokh Conspiracy, January 7, 2025.
Op-Eds & Short Articles
“Can State Semi-Automatic Rifle Bans Last?” America’s 1st Freedom, December 19, 2024.
“The NRA Goes to the Highest Court in the Land to Protect Our Right to Speak,” America’s 1st Freedom, May 24, 2024.
“This Supreme Court Case Also Matters,” America’s 1st Freedom, Jan. 20, 2024.
“The Great Legal War Over Your Freedom,” America’s 1st Freedom, Dec. 23, 2023.
“The Battle for Freedom Escalates,” America’s 1st Freedom, June 28, 2023.
“Book Review: Einer Für Alle, Alle Für Einen—One For All, All For One,” 59 Swiss American Historical Society Review, No. 2, 92-100 (2023).
“America’s Rifle: What the Gun-Control Crowd Doesn’t Want You to Know about AR-Type Rifles,” America’s 1st Freedom, Jan. 29, 2023.
Second Amendment Law at The Volokh Conspiracy, Dec. 2022.
- “Should Courts Appoint Historians as Experts in Second Amendment Cases?,” Dec. 15, 2022.
- “Did the Fourteenth Amendment Alter the Meaning of the Second Amendment?,” Dec. 14, 2022.
- “‘Plain Text,’” Dec. 13, 2022.
- “America’s Rifle,” Dec. 12, 2022.
- “Stephen Halbrook Guest-Blogging on Second Amendment Law,” Dec. 12, 2022.
TV Appearances

Joe Biden's Proposed Gun Bans
Newsmax TV | 6-3-2022

The Right to Bear Arms
One America News Network | 6-21-2021

The Right to Bear Arms
Daily Wire | 6-10-2021

COVID-19: Will the Second Amendment Survive the Coronavirus?
Independent Institute | 4-29-2020

Protecting the Second Amendment
CPAC, National Harbor, MD | 2-27-2020

Does the Right to Bear Arms Include a Right to Carry Handguns in Public?
Federalist Society, Washington, D.C. | 1-15-2019

Assault Weapons or Assault on the Constitution?
Federalist Society, Long Island | 4-24-2018

What Does "Well-Regulated Militia" Mean?
Fox Business | 10-15-2014
Nazi Gun Control
Newsmax TV | 10-16-2014
2nd Amendment Rights
The Daily Ledger | 12-23-2013
Courthouse Steps Oral Argument: Garland v. Cargill – The Federalist Society, (Mar. 5, 2024)
Attorney Stephen Halbrook Discusses the Upcoming Supreme Court Case Garland v. Cargill on Whether Bump Stocks Are Machine Guns – The Federalist Society, “A Seat at the Sitting: The February Docket” (Feb. 15, 2024)
Attorney Stephen Halbrook Talks SCOTUS Re: Biden “Ghost Gun” and “Weapons Part Kits” – Four Boxes Diner (Aug. 13, 2023)
The Case for the AR15 – The Republican Professor (Aug. 1, 2023)
Attorney Stephen Halbrook Breaks Down Current Pistol Brace Fight – Four Boxes Diner (May 22, 2023)
A Year After Bruen, and This Is Happening? – America’s First Freedom (May 20, 2023)
ATF OVERREACH: Stephen Halbrook on How ATF Rules DO NOT = LAW; Defeating the ATF in Court – The Dana Show with Dana Loesch (Mar. 28, 2023)
The Politically Incorrect Truth about America’s Rifle – America’s 1st Freedom (Feb. 4, 2023)
Instagram Updates
"The Tombstone homicides were not exactly an inspiring showcase for bans on carrying firearms. While folks evaded the ordinance by carrying concealed arms, Tombstone was not a violent town; there were only three homicides with firearms in town that year, and the decedents were the cowboys shot by the Earps and Holliday in the name of law enforcement. It could hardly be suggested that such carry bans did not violate the right to bear arms simply because judicial decisions about them are lacking. A poor cowboy riding into town who failed to check his firearm with the marshal in a timely manner, and whose pittance of wages was taken for the fine, would hardly even think of or be in a position to locate and to retain an attorney to appeal to the jurisdiction`s highest court. Civil rights attorneys were hardly in abundance, and high-minded public interest law firms were not to be found in these dusty cow towns.
"One commentator notes of Old West carry bans that `how well these laws were enforced and whether they were effective is difficult to say, and it is all but impossible to know precisely how prevalent they were.` Such laws were of dubious validity once the territories became states and thereafter adopted bills of rights."
From Halbrook, The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, p. 257 (hardback edition).
#okcorral #okcorralaz #tombstoneaz #tombstoneazhistory #shootoutokcorral #cowboys #cowboygunfight #cowboyshootout #wyattearp #docholliday #earpbrothers #wildwest #wildwestguns #concealedcarry #concealedcarrybans #armedcowboy #guncontrol #righttobeararms #oldwesthistory #checkyourfirearm #checkyourfirearms #therighttobeararmshalbrook

"The Tombstone homicides were not exactly an inspiring showcase for bans on carrying firearms. While folks evaded the ordinance by carrying concealed arms, Tombstone was not a violent town; there were only three homicides with firearms in town that year, and the decedents were the cowboys shot by the Earps and Holliday in the name of law enforcement. It could hardly be suggested that such carry bans did not violate the right to bear arms simply because judicial decisions about them are lacking. A poor cowboy riding into town who failed to check his firearm with the marshal in a timely manner, and whose pittance of wages was taken for the fine, would hardly even think of or be in a position to locate and to retain an attorney to appeal to the jurisdiction`s highest court. Civil rights attorneys were hardly in abundance, and high-minded public interest law firms were not to be found in these dusty cow towns.
"One commentator notes of Old West carry bans that `how well these laws were enforced and whether they were effective is difficult to say, and it is all but impossible to know precisely how prevalent they were.` Such laws were of dubious validity once the territories became states and thereafter adopted bills of rights."
From Halbrook, The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, p. 257 (hardback edition).
#okcorral #okcorralaz #tombstoneaz #tombstoneazhistory #shootoutokcorral #cowboys #cowboygunfight #cowboyshootout #wyattearp #docholliday #earpbrothers #wildwest #wildwestguns #concealedcarry #concealedcarrybans #armedcowboy #guncontrol #righttobeararms #oldwesthistory #checkyourfirearm #checkyourfirearms #therighttobeararmshalbrook
"[R]epeating firearms—guns that fire multiple rounds without reloading—had been developed in the [16th] century. A wheel-lock gun was built circa 1580 to 1590 that fired sixteen rounds without reloading with a single pull of the trigger. That was roughly three centuries before semiautomatic firearms began their rise to prominence in the 1890s. Around 1650, Michele Lorenzoni, a Florentine gunsmith, invented a repeating flint-lock gun that fired several shots from two tubular magazines holding powder and ball in the shoulder stock. A lever was pulled after each shot to load another round.
"In 1664, Abraham Hill of London patented a repeating flintlock, which could be loaded swiftly and was copied by numerous other English gunsmiths. John Cookson of London made several repeating guns based on this design, one of which was built around 1690 that is on display today at the British Galleries."
From Halbrook, America`s Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, pgs. 77-78.
#repeatingfirearm #repeatingfirearms #flintlock #flintlocks #wheellock #wheellocks #repeatingflintlock #semiautomatic #semiauto #MicheleLorenzoni #powderandball #ballandpowder #shoulderstock #gunsmith #gunsmiths #repeatinggun #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #firearmshistory #2asupporter #2ahistory #pro2ndamendmentrights #firearmstechnology #firearmtechnology #firearmreloading #16century #16thcenturyweapons
!["[R]epeating firearms—guns that fire multiple rounds without reloading—had been developed in the [16th] century. A wheel-lock gun was built circa 1580 to 1590 that fired sixteen rounds without reloading with a single pull of the trigger. That was roughly three centuries before semiautomatic firearms began their rise to prominence in the 1890s. Around 1650, Michele Lorenzoni, a Florentine gunsmith, invented a repeating flint-lock gun that fired several shots from two tubular magazines holding powder and ball in the shoulder stock. A lever was pulled after each shot to load another round.
"In 1664, Abraham Hill of London patented a repeating flintlock, which could be loaded swiftly and was copied by numerous other English gunsmiths. John Cookson of London made several repeating guns based on this design, one of which was built around 1690 that is on display today at the British Galleries."
From Halbrook, America's Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, pgs. 77-78.
#repeatingfirearm #repeatingfirearms #flintlock #flintlocks #wheellock #wheellocks #repeatingflintlock #semiautomatic #semiauto #MicheleLorenzoni #powderandball #ballandpowder #shoulderstock #gunsmith #gunsmiths #repeatinggun #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #firearmshistory #2asupporter #2ahistory #pro2ndamendmentrights #firearmstechnology #firearmtechnology #firearmreloading #16century #16thcenturyweapons](
"[R]epeating firearms—guns that fire multiple rounds without reloading—had been developed in the [16th] century. A wheel-lock gun was built circa 1580 to 1590 that fired sixteen rounds without reloading with a single pull of the trigger. That was roughly three centuries before semiautomatic firearms began their rise to prominence in the 1890s. Around 1650, Michele Lorenzoni, a Florentine gunsmith, invented a repeating flint-lock gun that fired several shots from two tubular magazines holding powder and ball in the shoulder stock. A lever was pulled after each shot to load another round.
"In 1664, Abraham Hill of London patented a repeating flintlock, which could be loaded swiftly and was copied by numerous other English gunsmiths. John Cookson of London made several repeating guns based on this design, one of which was built around 1690 that is on display today at the British Galleries."
From Halbrook, America`s Rifle: The Case for the AR-15, pgs. 77-78.
#repeatingfirearm #repeatingfirearms #flintlock #flintlocks #wheellock #wheellocks #repeatingflintlock #semiautomatic #semiauto #MicheleLorenzoni #powderandball #ballandpowder #shoulderstock #gunsmith #gunsmiths #repeatinggun #AmericasRifleTheCaseForTheAR15 #firearmshistory #2asupporter #2ahistory #pro2ndamendmentrights #firearmstechnology #firearmtechnology #firearmreloading #16century #16thcenturyweapons
" `Applying the Text and History Methodology to Looming Second Amendment Battles After Rahimi` was the topic of a session on November 16 at the Federalist Society`s 2024 National Lawyers Convention. You can listen to the remarks [see blog post for link].
"The moderator was Sixth Circuit Judge Amul Thapar, author of the delightful book The People`s Justice: Clarence Thomas and the Constitutional Stories that Define Him. The panel featured three leading voices in the Second Amendment space."
Speaker Mark W. Smith "focused on the text first-history second approach applied by the Supreme Court in Heller and elaborated in Bruen...."
David Thompson "spoke to the need to check historical principles for error in the level of generality at which they are drawn...."
Professor William Merkel "provided a counterpoint to Smith and Thompson, arguing that the Heller was wrongly decided and that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to arms at all...."
The above excerpts are from my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "The Second Amendment Dialogue at Fed Soc`s National Convention" (11/26/24).
Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website,
Illustration: Young George Washington with Brown Bess.
#fedsocevents #fedsocnatlconvention #historicalprinciples #supremecourtprecedent #resisttyranny #commonfirearms #individualrighttoarms
#SCOTUS #USvRahimi #nysrpavbruen #DCvHeller #2acases #2acase #2ndamendmentcases #2alaw #2alitigation #stephenhalbrook #secondamendmentroundup #therighttobeararms #guncontrollaws #firearmslaws #2ndamendmentrights #firearmrestrictions #gunregulations #firearmslaws #2arights #therightofthepeople #historyandtradition #firearmspossession
![" 'Applying the Text and History Methodology to Looming Second Amendment Battles After Rahimi' was the topic of a session on November 16 at the Federalist Society's 2024 National Lawyers Convention. You can listen to the remarks [see blog post for link].
"The moderator was Sixth Circuit Judge Amul Thapar, author of the delightful book The People's Justice: Clarence Thomas and the Constitutional Stories that Define Him. The panel featured three leading voices in the Second Amendment space."
Speaker Mark W. Smith "focused on the text first-history second approach applied by the Supreme Court in Heller and elaborated in Bruen...."
David Thompson "spoke to the need to check historical principles for error in the level of generality at which they are drawn...."
Professor William Merkel "provided a counterpoint to Smith and Thompson, arguing that the Heller was wrongly decided and that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to arms at all...."
The above excerpts are from my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "The Second Amendment Dialogue at Fed Soc's National Convention" (11/26/24).
Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website,
Illustration: Young George Washington with Brown Bess.
#fedsocevents #fedsocnatlconvention #historicalprinciples #supremecourtprecedent #resisttyranny #commonfirearms #individualrighttoarms
#SCOTUS #USvRahimi #nysrpavbruen #DCvHeller #2acases #2acase #2ndamendmentcases #2alaw #2alitigation #stephenhalbrook #secondamendmentroundup #therighttobeararms #guncontrollaws #firearmslaws #2ndamendmentrights #firearmrestrictions #gunregulations #firearmslaws #2arights #therightofthepeople #historyandtradition #firearmspossession](
" `Applying the Text and History Methodology to Looming Second Amendment Battles After Rahimi` was the topic of a session on November 16 at the Federalist Society`s 2024 National Lawyers Convention. You can listen to the remarks [see blog post for link].
"The moderator was Sixth Circuit Judge Amul Thapar, author of the delightful book The People`s Justice: Clarence Thomas and the Constitutional Stories that Define Him. The panel featured three leading voices in the Second Amendment space."
Speaker Mark W. Smith "focused on the text first-history second approach applied by the Supreme Court in Heller and elaborated in Bruen...."
David Thompson "spoke to the need to check historical principles for error in the level of generality at which they are drawn...."
Professor William Merkel "provided a counterpoint to Smith and Thompson, arguing that the Heller was wrongly decided and that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to arms at all...."
The above excerpts are from my Second Amendment Roundup blog post, "The Second Amendment Dialogue at Fed Soc`s National Convention" (11/26/24).
Read the post at or copy and paste:
Link can also be accessed through the home page of my website,
Illustration: Young George Washington with Brown Bess.
#fedsocevents #fedsocnatlconvention #historicalprinciples #supremecourtprecedent #resisttyranny #commonfirearms #individualrighttoarms
#SCOTUS #USvRahimi #nysrpavbruen #DCvHeller #2acases #2acase #2ndamendmentcases #2alaw #2alitigation #stephenhalbrook #secondamendmentroundup #therighttobeararms #guncontrollaws #firearmslaws #2ndamendmentrights #firearmrestrictions #gunregulations #firearmslaws #2arights #therightofthepeople #historyandtradition #firearmspossession
Looks like this couple had some good eating. Happy Thanksgiving!
Photo from WV History On View: "Gottfried and Marianne Aegerter with a Turkey, Helvetia, West Virginia." Helvetia was settled by emigrants from Switzerland and many of their descendants still live there.
#turkeyhunting #turkeyhunter #turkeyhuntersofamerica #vintagehuntingphoto #huntingphoto #oldhuntingphoto #vintagegunphoto #oldgunphoto #guncleaning #helvetiawv #successfulhunt #huntingsuccess

Looks like this couple had some good eating. Happy Thanksgiving!
Photo from WV History On View: "Gottfried and Marianne Aegerter with a Turkey, Helvetia, West Virginia." Helvetia was settled by emigrants from Switzerland and many of their descendants still live there.
#turkeyhunting #turkeyhunter #turkeyhuntersofamerica #vintagehuntingphoto #huntingphoto #oldhuntingphoto #vintagegunphoto #oldgunphoto #guncleaning #helvetiawv #successfulhunt #huntingsuccess
Thanksgiving Day, celebrated tomorrow here in the United States, has become focused on food and football. At the very first Thanksgiving, that is the 1621 event in Plymouth that became the model for our Thanksgiving holiday, there was plenty of food. But instead of football, the Pilgrims and Indians enjoyed some target shooting with their firearms. Edward Winslow described the celebration in a letter to a friend in England: ". . . amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, . . . "
For Winslow`s entire quote, go to:
#firstthanksgiving #1stthanksgiving #pilgrims #pilgrimsandindians #nativeamericans #thefirstthanksgiving #thanksgiving1621 #thanksgivingfact #edwardwinslow #plimoth #plimothplantation #shooting #shootingmatch #shootingcompetition #excercisedourarms #thanksgivinghistory #earlynewengland #righttobeararms #1621 #massasoit #huntforfood

Thanksgiving Day, celebrated tomorrow here in the United States, has become focused on food and football. At the very first Thanksgiving, that is the 1621 event in Plymouth that became the model for our Thanksgiving holiday, there was plenty of food. But instead of football, the Pilgrims and Indians enjoyed some target shooting with their firearms. Edward Winslow described the celebration in a letter to a friend in England: ". . . amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, . . . "
For Winslow`s entire quote, go to:
#firstthanksgiving #1stthanksgiving #pilgrims #pilgrimsandindians #nativeamericans #thefirstthanksgiving #thanksgiving1621 #thanksgivingfact #edwardwinslow #plimoth #plimothplantation #shooting #shootingmatch #shootingcompetition #excercisedourarms #thanksgivinghistory #earlynewengland #righttobeararms #1621 #massasoit #huntforfood
"Carrying arms for defense was seen as both a right and a duty for English settlers in the New World. Under the First Charter of Virginia (1606), subjects were to have `Furniture of Armour, Weapons, Ordinance, Powder, Victual, and all other things, necessary for the said Plantations, and for their Use and Defence there....` There were no restrictions on carrying arms from the time Jamestown was actually settled in 1607 until 1838, when the habitual carrying of a concealed weapon was made subject to a fine."
"In 1676, Virginia provided `that in going to churches and court in these times of danger, all people be enjoined and required to go armed for their greate[r] security.` Such laws were a double-edged sword for rulers, whose power was threatened by commoners who asserted arms-bearing as a right."
From The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, pgs. 110, 111 (hardback edition).
Illustration: "At the Church Door - A Puritan Thanksgiving" by Will Hicok Low
#earlyamericancolonies #americancolonies #privatelyownedarms #privatelyownedguns #concealedweapons #concealedcarry #earlygunlaws #armedassemblies #armedcarry #protectyourself #selfdefence #selfdefense #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttokeepandbeararms #righttocarry #righttocarryarms #2ahistory #bearingarms #carryagun #gunowner #keepandbeararms #armedatchurch #virginiahistory #firstcharterofvirginia #concealedcarry #armourandweapons #firearmdefense #firearmsrestrictions #earlyamericanlaw
!["Carrying arms for defense was seen as both a right and a duty for English settlers in the New World. Under the First Charter of Virginia (1606), subjects were to have 'Furniture of Armour, Weapons, Ordinance, Powder, Victual, and all other things, necessary for the said Plantations, and for their Use and Defence there....' There were no restrictions on carrying arms from the time Jamestown was actually settled in 1607 until 1838, when the habitual carrying of a concealed weapon was made subject to a fine."
"In 1676, Virginia provided 'that in going to churches and court in these times of danger, all people be enjoined and required to go armed for their greate[r] security.' Such laws were a double-edged sword for rulers, whose power was threatened by commoners who asserted arms-bearing as a right."
From The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, pgs. 110, 111 (hardback edition).
Illustration: "At the Church Door - A Puritan Thanksgiving" by Will Hicok Low
#earlyamericancolonies #americancolonies #privatelyownedarms #privatelyownedguns #concealedweapons #concealedcarry #earlygunlaws #armedassemblies #armedcarry #protectyourself #selfdefence #selfdefense #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttokeepandbeararms #righttocarry #righttocarryarms #2ahistory #bearingarms #carryagun #gunowner #keepandbeararms #armedatchurch #virginiahistory #firstcharterofvirginia #concealedcarry #armourandweapons #firearmdefense #firearmsrestrictions #earlyamericanlaw](
"Carrying arms for defense was seen as both a right and a duty for English settlers in the New World. Under the First Charter of Virginia (1606), subjects were to have `Furniture of Armour, Weapons, Ordinance, Powder, Victual, and all other things, necessary for the said Plantations, and for their Use and Defence there....` There were no restrictions on carrying arms from the time Jamestown was actually settled in 1607 until 1838, when the habitual carrying of a concealed weapon was made subject to a fine."
"In 1676, Virginia provided `that in going to churches and court in these times of danger, all people be enjoined and required to go armed for their greate[r] security.` Such laws were a double-edged sword for rulers, whose power was threatened by commoners who asserted arms-bearing as a right."
From The Right to Bear Arms: A Constitutional Right of the People or a Privilege of the Ruling Class?, pgs. 110, 111 (hardback edition).
Illustration: "At the Church Door - A Puritan Thanksgiving" by Will Hicok Low
#earlyamericancolonies #americancolonies #privatelyownedarms #privatelyownedguns #concealedweapons #concealedcarry #earlygunlaws #armedassemblies #armedcarry #protectyourself #selfdefence #selfdefense #therighttobeararms #therighttobeararmshalbrook #righttokeepandbeararms #righttocarry #righttocarryarms #2ahistory #bearingarms #carryagun #gunowner #keepandbeararms #armedatchurch #virginiahistory #firstcharterofvirginia #concealedcarry #armourandweapons #firearmdefense #firearmsrestrictions #earlyamericanlaw
Britain`s 1716 "Disarming Act" banned Scottish Highlanders from having weapons in order "for the more effectual securing of peace of the Highlands". It was ineffective. Another Jacobite rising in 1719 brought another Disarming Act. Again the Scots did not cheer and hand over their weapons and ammunition. The last Jacobite rising was in 1745, at the Battle of Culloden, where the Scottish were terribly defeated by the British. A final Disarming Act followed in 1746 which not only once again attempted to prevent the Highlanders from carrying or using arms, but also banned men and boys from wearing kilts, trews, and plaids.
An excerpt from The Disarming Act, 1746 (19 Geo. II c. 39):
"II. ... That all Persons summoned to deliver up their Arms as aforesaid, who shall, from and after the Time in such Summons prefixed, hide or conceal any Arms, or other warlike Weapons, in any Dwelling-house, Barn, Out-house, Office, or any other House, or in the Fields, or any other Place whatsoever; and all Persons who shall be accessary or privy to the hiding or concealing of such Arms, and shall be thereof convicted by the Oaths of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses, before any One or more of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, Judge Ordinary, or other Person or Persons authorized by His Majesty in Manner above mentioned shall be liable to be fined ...." or imprisoned.
To read more from the 1746 Disarming Act, go to:
Painting: "An Incident in the Rebellion of 1745" by David Morier, depicting the Battle of Culloden.
#disarmingact #disarmingacts #britishguncontrol #scotlandguncontrol #britainandscotland #battleofculloden #jacobiteuprising #kilthistory #scottishhighlanders #concealedguns #concealedarms #turninyourgun #scottishhistory #britishrule

Britain`s 1716 "Disarming Act" banned Scottish Highlanders from having weapons in order "for the more effectual securing of peace of the Highlands". It was ineffective. Another Jacobite rising in 1719 brought another Disarming Act. Again the Scots did not cheer and hand over their weapons and ammunition. The last Jacobite rising was in 1745, at the Battle of Culloden, where the Scottish were terribly defeated by the British. A final Disarming Act followed in 1746 which not only once again attempted to prevent the Highlanders from carrying or using arms, but also banned men and boys from wearing kilts, trews, and plaids.
An excerpt from The Disarming Act, 1746 (19 Geo. II c. 39):
"II. ... That all Persons summoned to deliver up their Arms as aforesaid, who shall, from and after the Time in such Summons prefixed, hide or conceal any Arms, or other warlike Weapons, in any Dwelling-house, Barn, Out-house, Office, or any other House, or in the Fields, or any other Place whatsoever; and all Persons who shall be accessary or privy to the hiding or concealing of such Arms, and shall be thereof convicted by the Oaths of One or more credible Witness or Witnesses, before any One or more of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, Judge Ordinary, or other Person or Persons authorized by His Majesty in Manner above mentioned shall be liable to be fined ...." or imprisoned.
To read more from the 1746 Disarming Act, go to:
Painting: "An Incident in the Rebellion of 1745" by David Morier, depicting the Battle of Culloden.
#disarmingact #disarmingacts #britishguncontrol #scotlandguncontrol #britainandscotland #battleofculloden #jacobiteuprising #kilthistory #scottishhighlanders #concealedguns #concealedarms #turninyourgun #scottishhistory #britishrule
"[T]he two categorical imperatives of the Second Amendment--that a militia of the body of the people is necessary to guarantee a free state and that all the people all of the time (not just when called for organized militia duty) have a right to keep arms--derive from the classical philosophical texts concerning the experiences of ancient Greece and Rome and seventeenth-century England. Aristotle, Cicero, Machiavelli, and the English Whigs provided an armed populace with the philosophical vindication to counter oppression, which found expression in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. In this sense, the people`s right to have their own arms was based on the philosophical and political writings of the greatest intellectuals of the past two thousand years."
From Halbrook, That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, p. 8.
Illustration by David Wright
#aristotle #Cicero #Machiavelli #philosophers #whigs #2ahistory #righttobeararms #armedpeople #armedpopulace #possessarms #armedcitizen #keepandbeararms #individualrights #thateverymanbearmed #militiaduty #righttokeeparms #classicalphilosophy #ancientGreece #ancientRome #counteroppression #declarationofindpendence #billofrights #philosophicalwritings #politicalwritings
!["[T]he two categorical imperatives of the Second Amendment--that a militia of the body of the people is necessary to guarantee a free state and that all the people all of the time (not just when called for organized militia duty) have a right to keep arms--derive from the classical philosophical texts concerning the experiences of ancient Greece and Rome and seventeenth-century England. Aristotle, Cicero, Machiavelli, and the English Whigs provided an armed populace with the philosophical vindication to counter oppression, which found expression in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. In this sense, the people's right to have their own arms was based on the philosophical and political writings of the greatest intellectuals of the past two thousand years."
From Halbrook, That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, p. 8.
Illustration by David Wright
#aristotle #Cicero #Machiavelli #philosophers #whigs #2ahistory #righttobeararms #armedpeople #armedpopulace #possessarms #armedcitizen #keepandbeararms #individualrights #thateverymanbearmed #militiaduty #righttokeeparms #classicalphilosophy #ancientGreece #ancientRome #counteroppression #declarationofindpendence #billofrights #philosophicalwritings #politicalwritings](
"[T]he two categorical imperatives of the Second Amendment--that a militia of the body of the people is necessary to guarantee a free state and that all the people all of the time (not just when called for organized militia duty) have a right to keep arms--derive from the classical philosophical texts concerning the experiences of ancient Greece and Rome and seventeenth-century England. Aristotle, Cicero, Machiavelli, and the English Whigs provided an armed populace with the philosophical vindication to counter oppression, which found expression in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. In this sense, the people`s right to have their own arms was based on the philosophical and political writings of the greatest intellectuals of the past two thousand years."
From Halbrook, That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right, p. 8.
Illustration by David Wright
#aristotle #Cicero #Machiavelli #philosophers #whigs #2ahistory #righttobeararms #armedpeople #armedpopulace #possessarms #armedcitizen #keepandbeararms #individualrights #thateverymanbearmed #militiaduty #righttokeeparms #classicalphilosophy #ancientGreece #ancientRome #counteroppression #declarationofindpendence #billofrights #philosophicalwritings #politicalwritings