Guns and Prohibition

Guns and Prohibition, in Al Capone’s Day and Now by Stephen P. Halbrook Wall Street Journal, April 11, 1989 On his first day as drug czar, William Bennett decided to declare war on America’s 70 million gun owners. The war will not be one on “assault weapons,” however, but one on law-abiding citizens who, under…

Emerson’s Second Amendment

Emerson’s Second Amendment by Stephen P. Halbrook Originally published in 2001 at In “Guns and the Constitution” (Writ, Nov. 2), Akhil and Vikram Amar offer creative insights about the right to keep and bear arms that provoke us to reexamine our premises. Much of the thesis is valid. However, portions rely on a skewed analysis…

Another Look at the Brady Law

Another Look at the Brady Law by Stephen P. Halbrook Washington Post, Oct. 8, 1994 As counsel for four of the sheriffs who sued the federal government for trying to pull them off street patrol to conduct Brady Act record checks on predominantly law-abiding handgun purchasers, I wish to reply to Richard Aborn’s letter of…

Guns, Crime, and the Swiss

Guns, Crime, and the Swiss by Stephen P. Halbrook Shorter versions of this article were published in 1999 in the Wall Street Journal on June 3 (European edition) as “Armed to the Teeth, and Free” and on June 10 (American edition) as “Where Kids and Guns Do Mix.” Back in 1994, when the U.S. Congress was debating…

The Darker Side of Gun Control

The Darker Side of Gun Control by Stephen P. Halbrook Published in National Law Journal, May 24, 2004, p.39 What supreme irony on the Opinion page: “An Infamous Date,” Harry Reicher’s worthy reminder about Nazi laws against Jews, juxtaposed with “Reasonable Regulation,” Amitai Etzioni’s diatribe against the Second Amendment (NLJ, April 5). Ironic, because Nazi…

Girl Beats Guys: A Swiss Teen Rifle Festival

Girl Beats Guys: A Swiss Teen Rifle Festival Das Zürcher Knabenschiessen by Stephen P. Halbrook Published in Schiessen Schweiz, SSV/FST, Nr. 48/25.11.04, S. 18-19. [English and German.] In der Ausgabe Nr. 39 vom vergangenen 23. September haben wir auf der Seite 13 einige Photos veröffentlicht, die Stephen Halbrook anlässlich des gemeinsamen Besuches des diesjährigen Knabenschiessens…